Calendar Days

Origin of The Pagan Names of Days

Every weekday name has it's origins of Rome. Each named after planetary gods. This may be why Rome removed the 2nd commandment. It is there desire to worship gods.

The name comes from the Latin dies solis, meaning "sun's day": the name of a pagan Roman holiday.

The name comes from the Anglo-Saxon monandaeg, "the moon's day".

This day was named after the Norse god Tyr. Named after their war-god Mars: dies Martis.

The day named to honor Wodan (Odin). Called dies Mercurii, after their god Mercury.

The day named after the Norse god Thor. Named this day dies Jovis "Jove's Day", after Jove or Jupiter, their most important god.

The day in honor of the Norse goddess Frigg. To the Romans this day was sacred to the goddess Venus, and was known as dies veneris.

Greek Kronos and the Roman Saturn are the same.

Painting by Peter Paul Rubens of Cronus devouring one of his children, Poseidon.
This day was called dies Saturni, "Saturn's Day", by the ancient Romans in honor of Saturn.

The Greek Kronos and the Roman Saturn were the same god. As god of the harvest, he was typically represented as holding a scythe. Kronos/Saturn was the god of time as well and as such he was also frequently shown holding babies. Saturn’s chief holiday was Saturnalia. In December, the path of the sun stands still on the southern sky for five days. Ancient priests told the superstitious people that the sun was dying and must be propitiated with costly sacrifices. Saturn, as the god of time, was implored to continue time.

The people were thus compelled to offer the things most precious to them, their children, in order to prolong time. Saturn, god of time and god of the harvest, reaped his harvest of souls in the burned bodies of these young children.